Monday 10th February 2025

Government Seized Online Car Silent Auctions ideas – A Scam?

March 9, 2023 by Long
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Most schools have various fundraisers to compensate for the constant budget cuts that have been occurring for many years. Simple supplies, programs and even staff salaries have been affected by these budget cuts, so many schools must have big fundraisers to make ideas for silent auction up for that loss of money. The most common type of fundraiser is an event that has items that are donated to be placed in a silent or live auction and the highest bid gets the item. This will give ideas for the kids in each class to come up with a great class project items that can be placed in the auction. It will discuss beautiful vases that use mosaic tiles and porcelain tiles done by older students and a handprint quit from a preschool age class are just a couple of the ideas.

Most parents treasure anything that is made by their child but when it is an object that is auctioned off and it may cost them quite a bit of money they may be a bit more selective in what they want. That is why it is important for a classroom project to not only be done by the children but also be something that people would want to have anyway as well. Getting a beautiful vase and having the kids bring old plates, mugs or colorful tiles in would be a great start to doing a mosaic project. The older students enjoy breaking these items to create the different pieces to be adhered to the vase. The end result is a gorgeous piece that you would have bought from a store and each child had a part in putting it together.

Other projects that may be great for the younger children are things that need a considerable amount of adult help but also have the children’s help too. If there is a parent that can sew quilts this is a great idea. Have each child put their handprint on a quilting square and then have their name placed by it. Having this handprint quilt usually can bring in a lot of money for a fundraiser.

Other great ideas are to have painted furniture with the children participating in the decorating of it. For a kindergarten class, a child sized table and chairs painted in white is a great base for some thumbprint art. Have each child put their painted thumbprint on a section of the furniture and then have an adult turn that thumbprint into a cute animal using pen accents. The child’s name will also be placed by this print. For older kids having them paint a special picture or object on an Adirondack chair for the garden is a great idea and results in a colorful, vibrant piece for your outdoors.